为此,《自然》杂志的审稿人称赞星地量子密钥分发成果是 “令人钦佩的成就”(“an impressive achievement”)和“本领域的一个里程碑”(“it constitutes a milestone in the field”),并断言“毫无疑问将引起量子信息、空间科学等领域的科学家和普通大众的高度兴趣,并导致公众媒体极为广泛的报道”(“I have no doubt that it will attract the interest of scientists working in a variety of fields (including quantuminformation science and space science), the general public, and lead to very extensive media coverage”)。
《自然》杂志审稿人称赞“这些结果代表了远距离量子通信持续探索中的重大突破”(“These results represent an important breakthrough in the quest for quantum communications over long distances”), “这个目标非常新颖并极具挑战性,它代表了量子通信方案现实实现中的重大进步”(“This goal is very challenging and new, and it represent a significant advancement of the realization of quantum communications schemes.”)。
文章的预印本在学术网站arXiv.org 上公开后就受到国际科学媒体广泛关注,比如,自然新闻(Nature news)以“Quantum teleportation is even weirder than you think(量子隐形传态超乎想象的神秘)”为题进行了报道,BBC新闻分别以“First object teleported to Earth's orbit”和“Teleportation: Photon particles today, humans tomorrow?”为题进行了连续报道,英国《卫报》也以“Beam me up, Scotty! Scientists teleport photons into space”为题进行了相关报道,等等。